Beyond Boobs!/Here for the Girls
A Calendar to Live By
In autumn 2011 I was selected to photograph and art direct the 2013 Calendar for Beyond Boobs! titled, “A Calendar to Live By” featuring breast cancer survivors. Beyond Boobs!, now known as “Here for the Girls, Inc.” is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to healing and saving lives by supporting young women diagnosed with breast cancer. The calendars went on to be recognized with several National Calendar Awards from the Calendar Marketing Association.
Awards included two Gold Awards and one Silver Award for the 2014 calendar, titled “Double Exposure.” I subsequently produced three more calendars. Each calendar followed themes: 2013 “A Guide to Caring for Your Masterpiece;” 2014 “Double Exposure;” 2019 “Fairy Tales” and 2020 “The Roaring 20s” which I shot entirely with 35mm black and white film with vintage cameras. Sadly, some of the women I photographed did not survive their illness. To support the mission of Here for the Girls click here.